What is a "covenant"?
A covenant is a formal agreement or promise, often involving a commitment to regularly pay a certain amount of money to an individual or organization. It outlines the terms and conditions of the arrangement and is intended to ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations. Covenants are commonly used in legal, financial, or religious contexts to establish long-term commitments and responsibilities.
The two countries signed a covenant to promote peace and cooperation.
The covenant between the landlord and tenant outlined the responsibilities of both parties.
In the meeting, they discussed the terms of the covenant that would guide their partnership.
pacto, aliança
(Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
to covenant
conivrar, prometer
to legally agree or to promise to do or give something to someone, particularly to make regular payments to a person or organization
They covenanted to support the scholarship fund with annual contributions.
She covenanted to give a fixed amount to the museum each year.
The donor covenanted to fund the new library wing in memory of his parents.
estabelecer um pacto, firmar um acordo
enter into a covenant

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