to beat up on
[phrase form: beat]
criticar severamente, atacar verbalmente
to unfairly and harshly criticize someone for something
The coach was frustrated and began beating up on the team for their poor performance.
O treinador estava frustrado e começou a criticar severamente o time por seu desempenho ruim.
The media tends to beat up on public figures, focusing more on flaws than accomplishments.
A mídia tende a criticar severamente as figuras públicas, focando mais em falhas do que em conquistas.
agredir, espancar
to cause physical harm by repeatedly hitting or kicking someone or something
He was hospitalized after being beaten up on by a group of strangers during the night.
Ele foi hospitalizado depois de ser espancado por um grupo de estranhos durante a noite.
The security guards intervened just in time to prevent the angry mob from beating up on the alleged thief.
Os seguranças intervieram a tempo para evitar que a multidão enfurecida agredisse o suposto ladrão.

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