to lead on
[phrase form: lead]
prowadzić w błąd, wprowadzać w błąd
to intentionally deceive someone by making them believe something that is not true
The salesman is leading on the customer by saying that the car is in good condition, when in reality it has a lot of problems.
The spy led on the enemy by giving them false information.
The scammer has led many people on by pretending to be their grandchildren and asking for money.
prowadzić na manowce, dać fałszywe nadzieje
to give someone false hope of a romantic relationship
The flirt led the man on by giving him mixed signals, when in reality she was n't interested in him.
The catfish has led on many people by creating fake online profiles.
She led him on with flirtatious glances.
prowadzić, prowadzić kogoś
to guide or show the way to someone
The tour guide led us on a fascinating journey through the ancient ruins.
The hiker followed the trail as the experienced mountaineer led her on to the summit.
The teacher led the students on a field trip to the science museum to explore various exhibits.

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