to intervene
interveniëren, tussenbeide komen
to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
Intransitive: to intervene | to intervene in a situation or conflict
The teacher had to intervene when two students started arguing in the classroom.
As tensions escalated, the mediator decided to intervene and facilitate a peaceful resolution.
The police were forced to intervene to break up the fight that had erupted in the crowded street.
interveniëren, tussenkomen
to occur between other events or two points in time
Intransitive: to intervene between two things
A brief pause intervened between the thunder and lightning.
The holiday season intervenes between the end of the year and the beginning of the new one.
A short recess intervened between the intense sessions of the conference, allowing participants to relax and network.
interveniëren, tussenkomen
to be placed or positioned between other things
Intransitive: to intervene between two things
The small island intervenes between the two larger land masses, creating a distinctive feature on the map.
A low wall intervenes between the garden and the sidewalk, offering a sense of privacy to the homeowners.
A row of trees intervenes between the parking lot and the office building
interveniëren, tussenkomen
to become a party in a lawsuit because of a vested interest in the outcome
The trade union filed a motion to intervene, asserting that the interests of its members were directly affected by the outcome of the case.
The government agency chose to intervene in the ongoing litigation, emphasizing the potential impact on public policy and regulations.
A group of affected businesses moved to intervene, asserting that the lawsuit could have detrimental effects on their economic interests.