kiezen, uitkiezen
plukken, verzamelen
pikkan, verzamelen
plukken, verzamelen
een ruzie beginnen, conflict uitlokken
uitzoeken, kiezen
schoonmaken, verwijderen
graven, prikken
stelen, zakkenrollen
tuttelen, klein beetje eten
keuze, selectie
pickel, houweel
plectrum, keuze
What is a "pick"?
A pick is a small, flat tool used to pluck or strum the strings of stringed instruments like guitars, mandolins, and basses. Picks are usually made of materials like plastic, metal, or nylon and come in various shapes, sizes, and thicknesses. Using a pick helps to produce a clear, consistent sound and can influence the tone and playability of the instrument. It is held between the thumb and fingers and used to strike the strings.
keuze, selectie
scherm, blok
pik, spijker
pick, draad
keuze, beste keuze
oogst, pluk
pick, blok