Cool off
British pronunciation/kˈuːl ˈɒf/
American pronunciation/kˈuːl ˈɔf/

Definisi & Makna dari "cool off

to cool off
[phrase form: cool]

menenangkan diri, meredakan emosi

to become calmer or less angry, usually after a period of heightened emotions or intensity
to cool off definition and meaning
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After their heated argument, they needed some time to cool off and reflect on the situation.
Setelah argumen sengit mereka, mereka membutuhkan waktu untuk menenangkan diri dan merenungkan situasi.
Taking a walk in the fresh air helped him cool off and gain a clearer perspective on the issue.
Berjalan-jalan di udara segar membantunya menenangkan diri dan mendapatkan perspektif yang lebih jernih tentang masalah tersebut.

menenangkan, meredakan

to cause someone to become calm or less angry or excited
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The manager 's decision to cancel the project helped cool off tensions among the team members.
Keputusan manajer untuk membatalkan proyek membantu meredakan ketegangan di antara anggota tim.
A few hours on his own ought to cool him off.
Beberapa jam sendiri seharusnya bisa menenangkannya.

mereda, tenang kembali

to decrease in intensity, speed, or strength
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The argument finally began to cool off, and both parties were able to discuss the issue calmly.
As the day progressed, the initial excitement about the event started to cool off.

mengurangi intensitas, menurunkan kecepatan

to reduce the intensity, speed, or strength of a particular activity, trend, or phenomenon
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The central bank 's decision to raise interest rates is part of a strategy to cool off rapid economic growth and prevent the economy from overheating.
Keputusan bank sentral untuk menaikkan suku bunga adalah bagian dari strategi untuk mengurangi intensitas pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat dan mencegah ekonomi dari overheating.
New restrictions on mortgage lending are designed to cool off the housing market by making it harder for buyers to get loans.
Pembatasan baru pada pinjaman hipotek dirancang untuk mengurangi intensitas pasar perumahan dengan membuatnya lebih sulit bagi pembeli untuk mendapatkan pinjaman.

mendinginkan, meredakan suhu

to reduce the temperature of someone or something, such as a beverage
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To cool off the soup, she placed it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before serving.
Untuk mendinginkan sup, dia meletakkannya di dalam kulkas selama beberapa menit sebelum disajikan.
A refreshing lemonade will always cool off children during summertime.
Lemonade yang menyegarkan akan selalu mendinginkan anak-anak selama musim panas.

mendinginkan, menurunkan suhu

to decrease in temperature
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During hot summer days, people often seek shade or air conditioning to cool off.
Pada hari-hari musim panas yang panas, orang sering mencari naungan atau pendingin udara untuk mendinginkan.
After spending time in the sun, I needed to cool off in the shade.
Setelah menghabiskan waktu di bawah sinar matahari, saya perlu mendinginkan di tempat teduh.
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