excuse me
Permisi, Maaf
said before asking someone a question, as a way of politely getting their attention
Excuse me, could you help me with this?
Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Permisi, Maaf
said to politely ask someone to move or make space so that one can get past them
Excuse me, can you let me through?
Excuse me, I need to pass.
Excuse me, could you move over a bit?
Permisi, tapi bolehkah saya menanyakan satu pertanyaan cepat?
said to apologize for interrupting someone
Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question?
Excuse me, there ’s someone at the door for you.
Excuse me, but I need to speak with you for a moment.
said to politely inform someone that one is going to leave or talk to another person
Excuse me, I need to go take care of something.
Excuse me, I ’ll be back shortly.
Excuse me, I ’m going to step out for a moment.
said to apologize when one makes a rude noise or does something wrong
Excuse me, I was n’t looking where I was going.
Oh, excuse me.
Excuse me, I did n’t mean to sneeze so loudly.
Permisi, bisakah Anda mengulang itu?
said to ask someone to repeat what they have said because it could not be heard
Excuse me, could you repeat that please?
" Please fill out this form. "
Excuse me, could you say that again?
Permisi, tapi saya rasa itu tidak benar.
said before one disagrees with someone in order to not be rude or offensive
Excuse me, but I do n't think that's true.
Excuse me, but I do n’t think that ’s what he meant at all.
Excuse me!

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