Tunnel vision
penglihatan terowongan, penglihatan terbatas
a condition in which someone can only see what is in front of them, due to their eyes are being damaged
Tunnel vision often makes it hard to see the bigger picture, both literally and metaphorically.
After the accident, he developed tunnel vision and could no longer see anything to the sides.
The doctor said his tunnel vision was a result of nerve damage in his eyes.
penglihatan terowongan, fokus sempit
a state when a person gets too focused on one thing, which can cause them to miss other important things
What is the origin of the idiom "tunnel vision" and when to use it?
The idiom "tunnel vision" originated from the literal condition where a person's field of vision narrows down to a narrow, tunnel-like focus. It refers to a metaphorical state of narrow-mindedness or a limited perspective on a particular issue or situation. This expression is often used to highlights the need to broaden one's perspective and consider a broader range of information or possibilities.
The manager 's tunnel vision towards cost-cutting measures led to overlooking the long-term consequences on employee morale.
The politician 's tunnel vision on a single policy issue prevented them from addressing the broader concerns of their constituents.
The detective 's tunnel vision on a particular suspect hindered the investigation, as alternative leads were ignored.