to dust
to use a soft cloth or tool to clean and remove particles from the surface of objects, like furniture
Transitive: to dust a surface
She regularly dusts the bookshelves to keep them free of accumulated dust.
Before guests arrive, it 's customary to dust the surfaces in the living room for a clean appearance.
The antique furniture requires gentle care, and the owner meticulously dusts it to preserve its condition.
poussiérer, épousseter
to rub or sprinkle a fine, dry powder over a surface to obscure or soften the outlines of a shape, often to create a specific effect or reveal hidden details
Transitive: to dust sth
The artist dusted the canvas with charcoal to create a shadowy effect.
She dusted the old photograph with fine powder to give it an antique look.
He dusted the edges of the map to make it look ancient and mysterious.
époussiérer, parsemer
to loosely distribute or scatter fine particles or substances over an area or surface
Transitive: to dust an area or surface
The wind dusted the fields with sand from the nearby dunes.
She dusted the shelves with confetti for the party.
He dusted the entire classroom with chalk dust.
épousseter, saupoudrer
to lightly coat something with a fine substance, often for seasoning or flavoring
Transitive: to dust food with powdered ingredients
She dusts the cupcakes with cocoa powder to give them an elegant finish.
He dusted the dessert plates with powdered sugar for a decorative touch.
The chef will dust each piece of sushi with sesame seeds to enhance its flavor.
poussière, terre fine
the fine, dry particles of matter, such as dirt, earth, or pollen, that can be easily carried by the wind
The old bookshelf was covered in a thick layer of dust.
The wind picked up the dust from the dirt road, creating a small whirlwind.
She sneezed as she brushed the dust off the windowsill.
poussière, débris
the fine particles that remain after something has been destroyed, broken up, or has decayed
The demolition crew reduced the old warehouse to dust.
The once-grand statue had turned to dust over centuries of decay.
The ancient scrolls crumbled to dust as he touched them.
poussière, ferraille
free microscopic particles of solid material

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