to blame
مقصر دانستن
to say or feel that someone or something is responsible for a mistake or problem
Transitive: to blame sb/sth | to blame sb/sth for a mistake or problem
The teacher decided to blame the entire class for the disruption, even though only a few students were involved.
The parents were quick to blame the school when their child's grades dropped, overlooking the child's lack of effort.
The investigation revealed no evidence to blame the company for the unexpected equipment failure.
مقصر دانستن
to critique or find fault with something or someone
Transitive: to blame sth
The literary critic blamed the novel for its shallow character development and predictable plot twists.
Critics have blamed the novel's lack of originality.
The consumer blamed the manufacturer's faulty product, insisting on a refund.
مسئول دانستن
to attribute responsibility or fault for a negative outcome or situation to a person, group, or thing
Transitive: to blame a fault or shortcoming on sth
The CEO blamed the recent decline in profits on poor market conditions and increased competition.
The coach blamed the team's loss on lack of effort and discipline during training.
He blamed his lateness on traffic congestion, despite leaving home late.
تقصیر, مسئولیت (اشتباه یا یک کار بد)
responsibility or fault attributed to someone for a mistake, wrongdoing, or undesirable outcome
a reproach for some lapse or misdeed

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