to acquit
تبرئه کردن
to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime
Transitive: to acquit a defendant
The company was accused of wrongdoing, but after a thorough investigation, they were acquitted of any illegal activities.
The jury unanimously decided to acquit the defendant due to lack of evidence.
Last month, the court acquitted the accused after a thorough trial.
خود را به خوبی نشان دادن, به نحو احسن عمل کردن
to behave or perform in a particular manner
Transitive: to acquit oneself in a specific manner
He acquitted himself well during the presentation, impressing the board with his ideas.
Despite the pressure, she acquitted herself with grace and confidence in the interview.
The student acquitted himself admirably in the final exam, earning top marks.

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