to roast
ψήνω, καβουρδίζω
to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period
Transitive: to roast food ingredients
Roast the turkey in the oven at 350 ° F for several hours until it's golden brown and juicy.
She loves to roast vegetables in the oven with olive oil and herbs for a flavorful side dish.
Roast the whole chicken over the fire on a rotisserie for a delicious and crispy skin.
πυρώνω, κοροϊδεύω
to mock, tease, or criticize someone in a humorous or often harsh way
Transitive: to roast sb
His friends roasted him relentlessly about his new haircut.
The comedian roasted the audience, making everyone laugh with his sharp wit.
They love to roast each other during family gatherings, but it's all in good fun.
ψητό (psito), κρέας για ψήσιμο (kreas gia psisimo)
a piece of meat that is cooked in an oven or is prepared for doing so
The chef prepared a succulent beef roast, seasoned with herbs and slow-cooked to perfection.
For Sunday dinner, they decided to have a roast chicken accompanied by roasted vegetables.
She carefully placed the roast in the oven, making sure to baste it every hour for added flavor.
ψησταριά, κοιλιά
a party in someone’s yard at which people prepare food by cooking over an open fire
κράξιμο, επικριτική
negative criticism
ψητός, καλοψημένος
(of food) cooked in an oven or over an open flame until the food is browned on the outside and cooked through on the inside
I prefer roast beef over grilled steak.
She served a delicious roast chicken with herbs and garlic.
The roast vegetables complemented the main dish perfectly.

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