Adresse, Zugangs码
Ansprache, Rede
soziale Kompetenz, soziale Fähigkeit
Startposition, Adresse (im Golfsport)
What is an "address"?
In golf, an address refers to the position a player takes before making a shot. It is when the player stands over the ball, preparing to hit it, with their body properly aligned and the club in the correct position. The address is important because it sets the foundation for a successful shot, allowing the player to focus on balance, posture, and aim. A proper address involves standing with the feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and the clubface aimed at the target, ensuring a solid and controlled swing.
ansprechen, adressieren
ansprechen, anreden
anreden, eine Ansprache halten
adressieren, anschreiben
ansprechen, adressieren
sich zum Schlag positionieren, in Stellung zum Schlagen gehen
ansprechen, lokalisieren