to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips
to produce a sharp, high-pitched sound
to blow a whistle as a signal to alert or command attention
to create a melody or song by producing a high-pitched sound through whistling
to create a sharp, high-pitched sound by moving quickly through a narrow opening or air
an inexpensive fipple flute
the act of signalling (e.g., summoning) by whistling or blowing a whistle
a device mounted on locomotives and some railcars that emits a loud, high-pitched sound to signal warnings or communicate with personnel and other trains
What is a "whistle"?
A whistle is a device mounted on locomotives and some railcars that produces a loud, high-pitched sound. It is typically used by the train’s engineer to alert people and vehicles near the tracks of the approaching train, especially at crossings or in areas with limited visibility. Whistles can also be used to signal specific actions, like starting or stopping, or to communicate with other trains. The sound of a train whistle is an important safety tool, helping to prevent accidents by giving warnings in advance.
a small, handheld device used to produce a high-pitched sound when blown into, often used for communication, signaling, or as a toy for play and fun
What is a "whistle"?
A whistle is a small, handheld device that produces a high-pitched sound when air is blown through it. It is typically made from plastic or metal and has a small opening or a ball inside that creates the sound. Whistles are commonly used to get attention, signal a start or stop, or in sports for communication. They are often used in games, activities, and safety situations. Whistles can vary in pitch and tone, depending on their design, and are popular for their simplicity and loud, clear sound.
the sound made by something moving rapidly or by steam coming out of a small aperture