to headline
成为主角, 担任主秀者
to be the star performer in a concert or performance
She will headline the music festival this summer, drawing a huge crowd.
The famous band is set to headline the concert at the stadium next weekend.
He headlined the comedy show, delivering a memorable and hilarious performance.
为...加标题, 为...命名
to give a newspaper page or story a title
The editor decided to headline the article with a bold statement.
They will headline the front page story about the recent election.
She suggested a catchy phrase to headline the magazine cover.
给予...显著宣传, 以头条新闻的方式报道
to give something prominent and widespread publicity, as if it were a major news story
The charity event was headlined in all the local newspapers.
The company 's breakthrough product was headlined in tech magazines.
The new policy changes were headlined by the major news outlets.
What is a "headline"?
A headline is the title or main heading of an article in a newspaper, magazine, or online publication. It is typically written in large, bold text to grab readers' attention and provide a summary of the article's main point or topic. Headlines are designed to be eye-catching and informative, offering a brief preview of the content within the article. They help readers quickly determine whether the article is of interest to them, and are often the first thing people see when browsing through a publication.
The headline of today ’s newspaper reads, " Major Earthquake Strikes the City. "
The headline caught everyone's attention with its bold statement about the politician ’s sudden resignation.
The headline on the front page was so shocking that it immediately became the topic of conversation in the office.