to buzz
按铃, 鸣响
to signal someone, typically by using an intercom, to gain attention or request entry
Transitive: to buzz sb/sth
She buzzed the front desk for assistance with her room key.
Instead of knocking, they decided to buzz their friend's apartment using the intercom.
嗡嗡声, 发出嗡嗡声
to make a low and continuous humming or vibrating sound, like the sound of a bee or a motor
The bees buzzed around the blooming flowers in the garden.
The refrigerator began to buzz as it started cooling.
掠过, 低空飞行
(of an aircraft) to fly quickly and closely above something, like another aircraft or the ground
Transitive: to buzz an area
The fighter jet buzzed the airfield at an incredible speed during the training exercise.
The helicopter buzzed the treetops, giving the passengers a thrilling view of the forest below.
活跃, 热闹
to be lively and full of energy
Intransitive: to buzz with an activity or sensation
The city center buzzes with activity during the holiday season.
The café was buzzing with chatter as friends gathered to catch up over coffee.
喧闹, 轰动
a confusion of activity and gossip
嗡嗡声, 轰鸣声
sound of rapid vibration
兴奋状态, 醉意
the feeling of being intoxicated or under the influence of substances such as alcohol, caffeine, or recreational drugs
What is a "buzz"?
Buzz refers to a light, pleasant feeling of intoxication or mild happiness experienced after consuming a small amount of alcohol or other stimulating substances. It is often described as a gentle, warm sensation that enhances social interaction, relaxation, and overall mood without the severe problems associated with heavier intoxication. People commonly seek a buzz to enjoy the initial uplifting effects of alcohol or certain drugs in social settings, where it can enhance conversation and reduce self-consciousness.