to run to
[phrase form: run]
延伸至, 达到
to extend to a specific, typically considerable, amount, degree, etc.
The total cost of the wedding ran to several thousand dollars.
The repairs on the old house could run to a significant expense.
The team 's score ran to an impressive 100 points by the end of the game.
足够支付, 能承担
to be a sufficient amount to meet a specific financial cost or requirement
My savings can run to a vacation this summer if I budget carefully.
The grant money should run to cover the research expenses for the year.
I'm not sure if my salary will run to cover all the bills this month
达到极限, 耗尽
to reach a point where one's abilities or preferences are no longer sufficient
She realized her patience had run to its limit, and she could n't tolerate the situation any longer.
His dedication to the cause ran him to the point of physical and emotional fatigue.
The new software update ran my computer to a point where it could n't handle the load.
求助于, 向...寻求保护
to seek help or protection from someone
When the storm hit, the scared child instinctively ran to their parents for comfort.
Faced with a challenging situation at work, she decided to run to her experienced colleague for guidance.
In times of trouble, many people tend to run to their closest friends for emotional support.