Tìm kiếm
to converge
hội tụ, tập trung
move or draw together at a certain location
Intransitive: to converge somewhere
The parade spectators began to converge on the main square to witness the festivities.
Commuters converged at the train station during rush hour, eager to board their respective trains.
Protesters from different parts of the city converged on the central square to voice their concerns.
hội tụ, gặp nhau
(of roads, paths, lines, etc.) to lead toward a point that connects them
Intransitive: to converge somewhere
The two highways converge at the city center.
The hiking trails converge near the mountain peak.
In the bustling downtown area, several streets converge at a central square.
hội tụ, gộp lại
to combine or merge to create a unified or cohesive result
Transitive: to converge two or more similar things
In filmmaking, the director 's vision and the cinematographer 's expertise converge to produce a visually stunning movie.
The interdisciplinary research project sought to converge insights from various fields to address complex societal challenges.
The culinary team sought to converge a variety of flavors and ingredients to create an innovative and delicious dish.
hội tụ, hợp nhất
(of policies, opinions, ideas, aims, etc.) to develop into either the same thing or something extremely similar
Through diplomatic negotiations, the countries ' foreign policies began to converge.
Over time, the committee members ' opinions started to converge on a common strategy for the upcoming project.
The collaborative brainstorming sessions allowed diverse ideas to converge.
hội tụ, tiến gần đến
to approach a specific value called the limit as the number of terms increases
Intransitive: to converge | to converge to a value
As x approaches 0, the function sin(x)/x converges to 1.
As the function was evaluated at smaller and smaller intervals, its output seemed to converge to a specific point.
The numerical solution to the equation converged after several iterations.

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