Tìm kiếm
Crumple zone
vùng biến dạng, vùng nén
a part at the front or back of a car designed to absorb the energy of a crash and protect the people inside
What is a "crumple zone"?
A crumple zone is an area of a vehicle designed to absorb and reduce the force of impact in the event of a crash. It is usually located at the front and rear of the vehicle and is made of materials that can deform or crumple upon impact. This helps protect the passengers by slowing down the crash and spreading the force over a larger area. Crumple zones are important safety features in modern cars, as they help prevent injury by preventing the full force of a crash from reaching the occupants of the vehicle.
The crumple zone in a car helps to keep passengers safe during an accident.
Engineers design the crumple zone to collapse easily when the car hits something.
During a crash test, the crumple zone of the vehicle was carefully examined.