Tìm kiếm
What is a "suture"?
A suture refers to each of the multiple loops or knots used to close and secure the edges of a wound or surgical cut. These loops, often referred to as stitches, are typically made with a material similar to thread and are placed by healthcare professionals to bring together the tissues, encouraging healing and reducing the risk of infection. Sutures are a critical part of surgical procedures and wound management, providing support until the tissue heals properly on its own.
The surgeon skillfully applied a suture to close the incision after the successful appendectomy.
The emergency room physician used dissolvable sutures to close the laceration on the patient's forearm.
Following the dental procedure, the oral surgeon used a suture to close the gum tissue around the extracted tooth.
mũi khâu, chỉ khâu
thread of catgut or silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together
khâu, khớp không di động
an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)
to suture
khâu lại, gắn lại
join with a suture

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