Tìm kiếm
đơn vị
a military unit with a specific organizational structure and operational role within an army
The British Army 's Coldstream Guards regiment is one of the oldest regiments in continuous active service.
Each regiment has its own history and traditions that are passed down through generations of soldiers.
The 101st Airborne Division is a renowned regiment of the United States Army.
to regiment
sắp xếp quy củ, hệ thống hóa chặt chẽ
subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematization
biệt phái, giao cho một đơn vị
assign to a regiment
hình thành thành Trung đoàn, tổ chức thành Trung đoàn
form (military personnel) into a regiment
Ví dụ
The British Army's Coldstream Guards regiment is one of the oldest regiments in continuous active service.
Each regiment has its own history and traditions that are passed down through generations of soldiers.
The 101st Airborne Division is a renowned regiment of the United States Army.
The British Army's Coldstream Guards regiment is one of the oldest regiments in continuous active service.
The regiment was deployed to the front lines to reinforce the infantry units.