تلاش کریں
to suspect
مشتبہ کرنا, شک کرنا
to think that something is probably true, especially something bad, without having proof
Transitive: to suspect that
I suspect he ’s been lying about where he was last night.
He did n't say anything, but I suspect he's planning a surprise party for her birthday.
Considering the clouds on the horizon, I suspect it might rain this afternoon.
شبہ کرنا, مشتبہ ہونا
to doubt the truth, honesty, or reliability of someone or something
Transitive: to suspect sth
After the unexpected system crash, the IT team suspected a possible malware attack.
When the famous artifact went missing, some historians suspected an inside job at the museum.
I suspect the company's claims about their products.
شک کرنا, مشتبہ ہونا
to think that someone may have committed a crime, without having proof
Transitive: to suspect sb | to suspect sb of a crime
The police began to suspect him after they found his fingerprints at the crime scene.
She started to suspect her neighbor of stealing her packages when they frequently went missing.
He began to suspect his business partner of embezzling funds when discrepancies appeared in the accounts.
مشکوک, مشتبہ
having qualities that seem untrustworthy or questionable
The deal they offered seemed too good to be true, making it a suspect opportunity.
She had a suspect expression when asked about her whereabouts last night.
His sudden change in story raised a suspect tone in the conversation.
مشتبہ شخص, مشکوک شخص
a person or thing that is thought to be the cause of something, particularly something bad
The mechanics identified the old battery as the suspect in the car's recent performance issues.
After the power outage, the faulty wiring became the main suspect in the investigation of the electrical problems.
The sudden drop in sales made the outdated marketing strategy a suspect for the company's financial struggles.
مشتبہ, مشکوک
someone who is believed to be guilty of an offence

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