تلاش کریں
to refuse
انکار کرنا, رفض کرنا
to say or show one's unwillingness to do something that someone has asked
Transitive: to refuse an offer
The student had to refuse the invitation to join the extracurricular club due to time constraints.
Despite their insistence, he continued to refuse participating in the risky business venture.
The employee had to refuse the assignment as it conflicted with their current workload.
انکار کرنا, رد کرنا
to not accept what someone has offered us or asked us to do
Transitive: to refuse to do sth
She refused to accept the job offer because it did n't align with her career goals.
He refused to lend me his car because he needed it for himself.
The restaurant refused to serve customers without reservations during peak hours.
انکار کرنا, کام کرنے سے قاصر ہونا
to fail or be unable to perform the function or action that is expected of it
Transitive: to refuse to do sth
The old car refused to start on the cold winter morning, leaving them stranded in the driveway.
His computer suddenly refused to connect to the internet, despite being properly configured.
The lock on the door refused to budge, even after she tried the key multiple times.
انکار کرنا, اجازت نہ دینا
to deny someone permission to have something
Transitive: to refuse sth
Ditransitive: to refuse sb a permission | to refuse a permission to sb
The bouncer refused entry to anyone who could n't provide valid identification.
The committee refused permission for the event to be held in the park.
The doctor refused the patient pain medication, deeming it unnecessary for their condition.
رد کرنا, انکار کرنا
to reject or disown someone or something, often due to a disagreement or a perceived betrayal
Transitive: to refuse sb
After years of arguments and conflicts, the father decided to refuse his son and cut off all communication.
Despite their long friendship, she felt compelled to refuse her friend after discovering their deceit.
The political party refused the disgraced member, expelling them from the party.
کچرا, فضلہ
unwanted materials or items that have been discarded

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