Uphill battle
zorlu mücadele
a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination
What is the origin of the idiom "uphill battle" and when to use it?
The idiom "uphill battle" is originated from the physical difficulty of climbing up a steep hill, which requires extra effort and energy. This expression is used to refer to a situation where progress or success is hard to achieve due to obstacles, resistance, or unfavorable circumstances.
Starting a new business in a competitive market is an uphill battle.
Advocates for the policy reform faced an uphill battle as they encountered opposition from powerful interest groups and entrenched beliefs.
The young athlete faced an uphill battle to recover from a serious injury and get back into peak form for the upcoming championship.
Starting a new business in a competitive market is an uphill battle.
Advocates for the policy reform faced an uphill battle as they encountered opposition from powerful interest groups and entrenched beliefs.
The young athlete faced an uphill battle to recover from a serious injury and get back into peak form for the upcoming championship.
Breaking into the entertainment industry can be an uphill battle for aspiring actors.
Equip yourself with five practical strategies that help you win the uphill battle and take your project professional career to new heights.