to look out for
[phrase form: look]
se upp för, ta hand om
to take care and be watchful of someone or something and make sure no harm comes to them
The older siblings were instructed to look out for their younger brother during the school field trip.
The teacher looks out for her students and makes sure they're safe and well-cared for.
The animal shelter looks out for abandoned and abused animals until they find new homes.
vara försiktig med, se upp för
to be watchful and cautious in order to prevent something negative from occurring
You should always look out for pickpockets in crowded areas.
Remember to look out for potential hazards when working with machinery.
It 's important to always look out for signs of illness in your pets.
se upp för, hålla utkik efter
to actively search for or anticipate the arrival of someone or something
I was looking out for my friends at the concert, but I did n't see them.
I'll be waiting for you outside the theater entrance.
I 've been looking out for a new apartment for months now.
ta hand om sig själv, prioritera sina egna intressen
to prioritize one's own interests and well-being, often at the expense of others
She looked out for herself during the divorce proceedings, ensuring she got a fair settlement.
They looked out for their own family's needs during the financial crisis, prioritizing their well-being over that of others.
He looked out for his own interests in the company merger, neglecting the concerns of his employees.