to level off
[phrase form: level]
stabilisera, utjämna
to reach a stable or steady state after a period of fluctuation or change
Sales have leveled off after a period of rapid growth, indicating a more sustainable pace of expansion.
The unemployment rate has leveled out in recent months, suggesting a stabilization in the labor market.
The price of oil has leveled off after a period of sharp fluctuations, providing some relief to consumers.
utjämna, planera ut
to become flat or horizontal after a period of rising or falling
The airplane leveled off at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
As the car approached the top of the hill, the road leveled out and became less steep.
After the long hill, the road leveled off, providing a welcome respite from the steep incline.
utjämna, jämna ut
to make a surface or an object flat, even, or smooth
The gardener used a rake to level off the soil in the flower bed.
The carpenter used a plane to level off the surface of the wooden table.
He used a trowel to level off the concrete before it dried.