to wonder
a se întreba, a se mira
to want to know about something particular
Transitive: to wonder sth
I often wonder what life would be like in a different time period.
When faced with a mystery, people tend to wonder and speculate about possible explanations.
The detective could n't help but wonder who the mysterious figure in the photograph could be.
a se întreba, a se mira de
to feel interested or uncertain about something and want to know more
Intransitive: to wonder about sth
He often wonders about the mysteries of the universe.
I often wonder about the lives of people in different countries.
He could n’t help but wonder about the strange noise in the attic.
a se minuna, a admira
to experience a sense of awe or admiration for something
Intransitive: to wonder at sth
The children wondered at the beauty of the night sky filled with stars.
Travelers often wonder at the breathtaking landscapes they encounter.
During the astronomy class, students wondered at the vastness of the universe.
a se întreba, mă întreb
used to politely ask or make a request, often expressing curiosity or uncertainty
I wonder if you have a moment to talk.
She was wondering if she could borrow a pen.
I wonder if it's possible to change the time of the meeting.
minune, uimire
a feeling of admiration or surprise caused by something that is very unusual and exciting
The child 's eyes were filled with wonder as he watched the fireworks.
She looked at the ancient ruins in wonder, amazed by their history.
The beauty of the landscape filled her with wonder.
minune, mirare
a state in which you want to learn more about something
minune, mirare
something that causes feelings of wonder

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