Red herring
falsă pistă, distragere
anything that is intended to take people's focus away from what is important
What is the origin of the idiom "red herring" and when to use it?
The idiom "red herring" originates from a technique used in training hunting dogs. A red herring is a smoked and strongly scented fish, and it was used to distract or divert the hounds from the scent of the actual prey during training. In a figurative sense, this expression is used to refer to something that is misleading or a distraction, diverting attention away from the real issue or problem at hand.
The suspect 's alibi seemed like a red herring, as it could n't be corroborated by any evidence.
The long discussion about office décor was just a red herring, avoiding the important topic of employee morale.
Politicians often use red herrings to shift focus from controversial issues to more favorable subjects.
ciornă a prospectului, proiect preliminar
a first draft of a prospectus; must be clearly marked to indicate that parts may be changed in the final prospectus
hering roșu, hering afumat
a dried and smoked herring having a reddish color

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