My little son was looking up at the sky and showing me the fluffy white clouds.
The airplane flew through the clouds on its way to the destination.
The clouds blocked the sun, creating a momentary shadow.
wolk, groep
a group of many things in the air or on the ground
wolk, rookwolk
any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
droomwereld, illusie
out of touch with reality
suspicië, vlek
suspicion affecting your reputation
wolk, somberheid
a cause of worry or gloom or trouble
de cloud, cloudopslag
a network of remote servers used to store, manage, and process data over the internet instead of on a local computer
She saved her documents to the cloud for easy access from any device.
The photos automatically upload to the cloud after being taken.
Businesses rely on the cloud to store and share large amounts of data.
to cloud
bewolken, verduisteren
to make the sky or air overcast
Transitive: to cloud the sky or weather
The storm clouds clouded the sky, blocking out the sun.
Smoke from the factory clouded the air, causing poor visibility.
The pollution clouded the atmosphere, causing health problems.
bewolken, verhullen
to rise or spread out in the shape of a cloud
The fog began to cloud over the valley, making it hard to see.
The explosion caused debris to cloud in the air.
Smoke clouded from the fire, filling the sky.
vervagen, belemmeren
to make something less transparent or more obscured, often by adding a foggy or murky layer
Transitive: to cloud sth
The fog clouded the view, making it difficult to see the road ahead.
The mist clouded the mountains, hiding their peaks from sight.
Fog began to cloud the roads, slowing down traffic.
vervlechten, door elkaar mengen
to add or mix different colors in patches or blotches, creating a varied or uneven appearance
Transitive: to cloud appearance of something with sth
The artist clouded the canvas with patches of vibrant yellow and green.
The forest floor was clouded with patches of bright red leaves.
The marble countertop was clouded with streaks of gold and gray.
vervuilen, vernevelen
to make a liquid appear cloudy, milky, or dull, often by adding something that causes it to lose clarity
Transitive: to cloud a liquid
The oil clouded the water, making it harder to see through.
The vinegar clouded the broth, turning it slightly opaque.
The cream clouded the coffee, giving it a rich, milky appearance.
verdonkeren, vertroebelen
to make something harder to understand or perceive clearly
Transitive: to cloud sth
The teacher 's complicated explanation only served to cloud the topic for some students.
The lawyer ’s complex arguments only served to cloud the main issue in the case.
The debate over the new policy only served to cloud the issue further.
schaden, bederven
to damage or tarnish someone's something, or make others question it
Transitive: to cloud sth
The false rumors about him clouded his reputation in the community.
Her actions were clouded by accusations that she could n’t shake off.
The politician ’s past was clouded by controversy and suspicion.
verdonkerde, vertroebelde
to make an emotion, like worry, sorrow, or anger, visible on someone's face
Transitive: to cloud one's face or expression
His worry clouded his face, making it clear he was troubled.
Anger clouded his expression, revealing his frustration.
His anxiety was clear, with worry clouding his face.