to mist up
[phrase form: mist]
beslaan, mistig worden
(of a piece of glass or mirror) to have a thin layer of water droplets forms on its surface, often due to a difference in temperature or humidity
As the car drove through the chilly mountain pass, the windows began to mist up, obscuring the view outside.
The glass of cold lemonade sitting on the table started to mist up in the warm summer air.
Despite wiping the bathroom mirror after his shower, it still misted up again.
bewoelen, bedampen
to cause the surface of a piece of glass to become covered with a thin layer of water droplets making it unclear
The humidity misted up the car windows.
As she prepared dinner on the stove, the steam from the pots misted up the kitchen windows.
When she opened the oven door to check on the baking cookies, the heat misted up her glasses momentarily.
verweken, vochtige ogen krijgen
(of one's eyes) to become teary, often due to emotions such as sadness, happiness, etc.
As she listened to the heartfelt speech, her eyes began to mist up with emotion.
Memories of her childhood home made her eyes mist up whenever she visited the old neighborhood.
He tried to keep his composure, but his eyes misted up as he read the touching letter from his grandmother.