to dispute
논란을 벌이다, 다투다
to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.
Transitive: to dispute sth
The two colleagues started to dispute the best approach to solving the project's challenges.
The parties involved disputed the terms of the agreement, leading to prolonged negotiations.
The neighbors began to dispute property boundaries, resulting in a heated argument.
논쟁하다, 의문을 제기하다
to doubt a fact or to call its truth into question
Transitive: to dispute a fact or assertion
He disputed the accuracy of the witness's testimony, claiming it was unreliable.
The scientists disputed the findings of the study, citing flaws in the methodology.
The historians disputed the authenticity of the ancient artifact, suspecting it was a forgery.
논쟁, 다툼
a disagreement or argument, often involving conflicting opinions or interests
The dispute between the two neighbors was settled after a lengthy mediation session.
The company faced a legal dispute over the terms of the contract.
Their dispute over the budget allocation led to a heated discussion during the meeting.
분쟁, 갈등
coming into conflict with