to set back
[phrase form: set]
뒤로 돌아가게 하다, 퇴보시키다
to cause a decline in the quality, strength, or advancement of something
A cyberattack can set back a company's advanced technological systems, compromising their security and functionality.
A financial crisis can set back a country's economy, leading to a reduction in GDP and overall economic strength.
The spread of a contagious disease can set back public health, leading to a weaker and less resilient healthcare system.
지연시키다, 늦추다
to cause a delay in the progress of something or someone
The unexpected rainstorm set our picnic back to next weekend.
We had to set the meeting back by an hour due to a scheduling conflict.
Can we set the movie night back to Friday instead of Thursday?
비용이 들다, 금전적으로 부담을 주다
to require someone to spend a specific amount of money
The car repair set me back $ 500.
Do n't let this shopping spree set you back too much.
The new computer I bought set me back a pretty penny.
뒤로 물리다, 떨어뜨려 두다
to position something, particularly a structure, at a distance from something else
The architect plans to set the house back from the road to create a spacious front yard.
He decided to set the new office building back from the street for a more impressive entrance.
The city's zoning regulations require builders to set structures back from the property line.