우연종, 억제
a symbol placed before a note to indicate that it should be played higher or lower than it is written in the key signature
What is an "accidental"?
An accidental is a musical symbol used to temporarily alter the pitch of a note. It appears before a note and includes sharp (♯), flat (♭), natural (♮), double sharp (♯♯), and double flat (♭♭). A sharp raises the note by one half step, a flat lowers it by one half step, and a natural cancels any previous sharps or flats. A double sharp raises the note by two half steps, while a double flat lowers it by two half steps. Accidentals affect only the note they precede and remain in effect for the measure in which they appear.
우연한, 예기치 않은
occurring unexpectedly or without prior planning
The accidental discovery of penicillin revolutionized modern medicine.
The fire was accidental, caused by faulty wiring in the old building.
The accidental deletion of the files led to hours of work to recover them.
부수적인, 부차적인
not of prime or central importance