to exile
追放する, 国外追放する
to force someone to live away from their native country, usually due to political reasons or as a punishment
Transitive: to exile sb
The political dissident was exiled from the country for speaking out against the government.
The king decided to exile the traitor, forbidding him from returning to the kingdom.
The dictator decided to exile his political opponents to maintain control.
The political dissident lived in exile for over a decade, seeking asylum in neighboring countries.
The poet was forced into exile for criticizing the authoritarian regime in his homeland.
Many intellectuals and activists fled into exile to escape persecution and censorship.
亡命者 (ぼうめいしゃ), 国外追放者 (こくがい ついほうしゃ)
a person who is expelled from home or country by authority
亡命者 (ぼうめいしゃ), 追放者 (ついほうしゃ)
a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country