intervallo, intervalli
intervallo, distanza
What is an "interval"?
An interval in music refers to the distance between two notes, measured by the number of steps or spaces on the musical staff. It can be described by its size, such as a third or a fifth, and its quality, such as major, minor, perfect, or diminished. For example, the distance between C and E is a major third interval because there are three letter names (C, D, E) and two whole steps between them. Intervals are important for creating melodies and harmonies, as they help define the relationships between notes and contribute to the overall sound and mood of the music.
What is an "interval"?
An interval is a short break during a theatrical or musical performance, providing the audience and performers a chance to rest. It typically occurs between different acts or sections of the show, allowing time for people to stretch, socialize, or get refreshments. This pause helps to refresh the audience and can also give performers a moment to prepare for the next part of the performance.