esca, richiamo
an object, often resembling a prey species, used to attract animals within range of the hunter
The hunter set up a lifelike decoy of a rabbit to lure nearby predators into range.
Il cacciatore ha allestito un richiamo di un coniglio per attirare i predatori nelle vicinanze a distanza.
Duck hunters often use decoys of ducks floating on the water to attract real ducks to their hunting blind.
I cacciatori d'anatre usano spesso esche di anatre galleggianti sull'acqua per attrarre le vere anatre verso il loro nascondiglio per la caccia.
esca, tranello
a person who beguiles or tricks someone into a dangerous situation or leads them into harm's way
The con artist acted as a decoy, pretending to be a lost tourist while his accomplice stole from unsuspecting passersby.
L'artista truffatore ha agito come esca, facendo finta di essere un turista perso mentre il suo complice rubava ai passanti ignari.
The spy posed as a double agent, acting as a decoy to lure enemy operatives away from critical intelligence.
La spia si spacciava per un doppio agente, agendo come una esca per allontanare gli agenti nemici da informazioni critiche.
specchietto per le allodole, esca
a tactical maneuver where a piece is sacrificed or placed in a vulnerable position to lure the opponent into making a disadvantageous move or to redirect their attention away from a more critical part of the board
What is a "decoy"?
A decoy in chess is a tactic where one player uses a piece to distract or mislead the opponent, often to set up an attack or gain a strategic advantage. The decoy piece is placed in a position that forces the opponent to focus on it or make a defensive move, while the player’s actual plan is to attack elsewhere on the board. This tactic can trick the opponent into making moves that weaken their position, allowing the player to gain a better advantage or deliver a surprise attack.
to decoy
distrarre, intrappolare
lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy

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