to coexist
coesistere, coabitare
to exist together in the same location or period, without necessarily interacting
Intransitive: to coexist | to coexist with sb/sth
Modern buildings coexist alongside ancient ruins in the city.
Dinosaurs and early mammals once coexisted during the Mesozoic era.
In the museum, contemporary art pieces coexist with classical sculptures.
to live or exist together peacefully despite differences in beliefs or interests
Different political ideologies coexist within a democratic society.
People of different religious beliefs can coexist within a tolerant society.
Environmentalists and developers must find ways to coexist for sustainable progress.
Modern buildings coexist alongside ancient ruins in the city.
Dinosaurs and early mammals once coexisted during the Mesozoic era.
In the museum, contemporary art pieces coexist with classical sculptures.
Solar energy technologies need to coexist with traditional power sources during the transition to a more sustainable energy landscape.
Digital and print media continue to coexist in today's information-driven world.
Parole Vicine