Loose cannon
mina vagante
a person who has lost their sanity, often momentarily
What is the origin of the idiom "loose cannon" and when to use it?
The idiom "loose cannon" originated from nautical terminology. In the era of sailing ships, a "loose cannon" referred to a cannon that had broken free from its moorings during naval battles. It is used to describe a person who is unpredictable, impulsive, and not under control, often acting in a way that can cause harm or problems.
The new employee 's aggressive behavior is like a loose cannon in the office, causing tension among the team.
The politician 's controversial statements are making him appear as a loose cannon, causing his party to worry about public perception.
The new employee's aggressive behavior is like a loose cannon in the office, causing tension among the team.
The politician's controversial statements are making him appear as a loose cannon, causing his party to worry about public perception.
Parole Vicine