jambul, pucuk
What is a "crest"?
A crest is a prominent feature found on the heads of various animals, particularly birds. It refers to a tuft, plume, or collection of feathers or hair that stands upright or extends outward from the top of the head. The crest serves both functional and decorative purposes. Functionally, it can help in communication and species recognition and provide protection or insulation. In terms of aesthetics, the crest adds to the visual appeal of the animal, often enhancing its appearance and making it more distinctive. Crests can vary in shape, size, and color, depending on the species. They are commonly seen in birds such as cockatoos, peacocks, and crested pigeons, where they are often used in displays during courtship or territorial defense.
puncak, ujung
puncak, tebing
lambang, crest (juga digunakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk istilah heraldik)
puncak jalan, puncak jalan yang melengkung
mencapai puncak, berada di puncak
tersenyum lebar, bercerah dengan senyuman