What is a "canopy"?
A canopy is a covering made of fabric or other material that is hung or placed above an area, such as a bed, seating, or outdoor space. It is often used for decorative purposes, to provide shade, or to create a sense of privacy or protection. Canopies are typically supported by a frame or suspended from a ceiling, and they can range from simple designs to elaborate ones, adding elegance and style to a room or outdoor setting. In some cases, canopies are also used to shield from the sun or rain.
paracaídas, tela del paracaídas
What is a "canopy"?
A canopy is the main fabric part of a parachute that inflates when deployed and helps slow the skydiver's fall. It creates resistance in the air, which slows down the descent and allows for a safer, controlled landing. The canopy is designed to catch the air as it opens, creating a large surface area that balances the skydiver and helps steer them in the right direction. The size and shape of the canopy are key to ensuring the skydiver has a smooth and stable landing.
cúpula, cubierta de la cabina
cubrir con un dosel, proteger con un dosel