παρασκευή, μείγμα
the act of creating something (a medicine or drink or soup etc.) by compounding or mixing a variety of components
παρασκευή, μύθευμα
the invention of a scheme or story to suit some purpose
παρασκευή, μίγμα
an occurrence of an unusual mixture
μίγμα, παρασκεύασμα
a mixture of various ingredients, often created with skill and creativity like a blend of flavors in a drink
What is a "concoction"?
Concoction refers to a mixture or blend of various ingredients, especially when it comes to beverages or dishes that have been creatively put together. It often implies that the ingredients have been combined in a unique or experimental way to create something new or unusual.
The chef 's special concoction of herbs and spices gave the dish a unique flavor.
Η ειδική παρασκευή του σεφ από βότανα και μπαχαρικά έδωσε στο πιάτο μια μοναδική γεύση.
She sipped on a refreshing concoction of fruit juices and sparkling water.
Αυτή ήπιε ένα αναζωογονητικό μίγμα χυμών φρούτων και ανθρακούχου νερού.

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