βούτυρο, μαλακό βούτυρο
a soft, yellow food made from cream that we spread on bread or use in cooking
What is "butter"?
Butter is a rich and creamy dairy product made from churning milk or cream. It has a smooth texture and a deliciously indulgent flavor that can range from mild to tangy, depending on factors like the type of milk used and the production process. Butter is a versatile ingredient used in cooking, baking, and spreading on bread or toast. It adds richness, flavor, and moisture to dishes, making it a staple in many kitchens around the world.
Butter is a key ingredient in making flaky and delicious pie crusts.
Drizzle melted butter over freshly popped popcorn for a tasty movie snack.
He melted butter in a saucepan to make a savory garlic butter sauce.
παλαιστής που χτυπά τον αντίπαλο με το κεφάλι, γκέγκερης
a fighter who strikes the opponent with his head
to butter
αλείφω βούτυρο, βούτυρο
to spread a smooth, creamy substance on something, usually using a knife
Transitive: to butter sth
Butter the toast generously before serving it.
The chef suggests buttering the bread before grilling it for a crispy texture.
Butter the corn on the cob before sprinkling it with salt.

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