a long gun suitable for shooting a target over long distances, which is held along shoulder while aiming the target
What is a "rifle"?
A rifle is a type of gun designed for shooting bullets at a long distance. It has a long barrel with spiral grooves inside, called rifling, which makes the bullet spin as it travels, improving accuracy. Rifles are used for different purposes, like hunting, target shooting, and by the military or police. They come in different sizes and types depending on their use.
He adjusted the scope on his rifle before taking aim at the distant target.
Hunters often prefer rifles for their accuracy and range when tracking game in the wilderness.
The soldier carried a lightweight rifle as part of his standard equipment during patrols.
to rifle
ληστεύω, αρπάζω
steal goods; take as spoils
go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way