a romantic or sexual partner, especially in a long-term or committed relationship
a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king
the officer below the master on a commercial ship
each of the pair of the animals or birds that are breeding
a fellow member of a team
an exact duplicate
a friend, especially of the same gender
one of a pair
to place the opponent's king under attack in such a way that there is no move to escape
(of animals) to have sex for breeding or reproduction
to join, fit, or associate in a way that is appropriate or harmonious
a traditional South American beverage made from steeping dried leaves of the yerba maté plant in hot water
What is "maté"?
Maté is a traditional South American drink that is made from the dried leaves of the yerba maté plant. It is a popular beverage in countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, and is often consumed in a social setting with friends and family. Maté is prepared by steeping the dried leaves in hot water, often in a special gourd called a maté, and drinking it through a metal straw called a bombilla. Maté has a strong and bitter flavor, with a grassy and herbal taste that is often compared to green tea. It is also high in caffeine and other stimulants, which can provide a jolt of energy and mental alertness. Maté is often enjoyed as a morning or afternoon pick-me-up, and is a beloved and iconic part of South American culture. It is also sometimes used as a flavoring agent in other beverages and foods.