to elicit
entschlüsseln, hervorrufen
to make someone react in a certain way or reveal information
Transitive: to elicit a reaction or response
The detective skillfully posed questions to elicit a confession from the suspect.
Her heartfelt story was intended to elicit sympathy and understanding from the audience.
The teacher used thought-provoking prompts to elicit insightful responses from the students.
herausfordern, hervorrufen
to help a student come to a conclusion themselves instead of providing them with an answer directly
Transitive: to elicit a response or conclusion
During the science experiment, the instructor deliberately posed questions to elicit hypotheses and conclusions from the students.
In the philosophy class, the professor's role was to elicit philosophical reasoning and guide students in constructing their own arguments.
During the language lesson, the instructor employed clues to elicit vocabulary words from the students.
herausarbeiten, entlocken
to employ logical reasoning or careful deduction to arrive at truth or information
Transitive: to elicit a solution or information
The detective meticulously analyzed the evidence to elicit the sequence of events leading to the crime.
By examining the patterns in the data, the scientist was able to elicit a groundbreaking theory.
The historian used archival research to elicit a comprehensive understanding of the historical events.

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