franšíza, licence
an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
franšíza, právo volit
a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)
franšíza, koncese
a permission granted to a person or group by a government or company that enables them to sell their services or products in a specific area
franšíza, série
a set of related movies or novels that portray the same character or characters in different settings and situations
What is a "franchise"?
A franchise refers to a series of related films, TV shows, books, or other media products that are connected through common characters, settings, or themes. This series is often created by the same company or group and is built around a central concept or story that can be expanded into multiple installments. Franchises typically include sequels, prequels, spin-offs, and merchandise, and are designed to capitalize on the success of the original work by continuing to engage audiences with new content.
to franchise
udělit franchisu, poskytnout franchisu
grant a franchise to
The successful movie franchise spawned a series of merchandise and spin-off films.
The franchise agreement outlined the terms and conditions for operating the business under the brand name.
The movie franchise has cultivated a massive fanbase, spanning multiple generations of viewers.
Limited edition collectibles from that popular franchise are like gold dust among avid fans.
He purchased a franchise of a popular fast-food chain and opened his own restaurant.