He drew a curve on the paper to represent the arc of the ball's trajectory.
The designer incorporated curves into the furniture to enhance comfort and style.
In math class, they studied the properties of different types of curves.
zákrut, křivka
curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
křivka, křivolam
a line representing a variable in a graph
křivka, křivý hod
(baseball) a type of pitch that bends or curves as it approaches the batter
What is a "curve"?
A curve in baseball or softball is a type of pitch that moves in a curved or bending path as it approaches the batter. The pitcher throws the ball with spin, causing it to break or curve in one direction. This movement makes it harder for the batter to hit the ball, as it changes direction unexpectedly. A curveball can be thrown with different speeds and can curve sharply, making it a valuable pitch for deceiving the batter. It is often used to get batters to swing and miss or to hit the ball poorly.
The pitcher threw a curve that fooled the batter completely.
The batter was ready for the fastball but got a curve instead.
Her curve dropped sharply, making it hard to hit.
křivka, zakřivení
the property possessed by the curving of a line or surface
to curve
ohýbat, zakřivit
to shape something into a bent or arched form
Transitive: to curve sth
She used a flexible ruler to curve the line on the graph.
The artist 's skilled hands allowed them to curve the brush strokes with precision.
The tailor carefully curved the seams to fit the contours of the body.
zakřivit, ohýbat
to cause something to deviate or swerve from its original straight course
Transitive: to curve a moving object
The skilled pitcher curved the baseball with precision, causing it to swerve away from the batter's reach.
The gravitational pull of the planet curved the trajectory of the spacecraft, altering its path through space.
He adjusted the steering wheel, curving the car smoothly around the sharp bend in the road.
zakřivovat, ohnout
to have turns, changes and deviations from a straight line
Intransitive: to curve
The road curves gently through the countryside, offering scenic views of rolling hills and lush greenery.
The hiking trail curves around the mountain, leading adventurers through dense forests and rocky terrain.
The path curves through the park, winding past towering trees and vibrant flower beds.

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