অনুসন্ধান করুন
মোরগ, রাজহাঁস
What is a "duck"?
A duck is a type of waterfowl characterized by its compact body, webbed feet, and broad, flat bill. Ducks are found in various habitats such as lakes, rivers, ponds, and marshes, and they are well-adapted to both aquatic and terrestrial environments. They have waterproof feathers that keep them buoyant and warm in the water, allowing them to swim effortlessly. Ducks are known for their distinctive quacking sound and often travel in groups called flocks. They have a diverse diet, feeding on a combination of plants, seeds, insects, and small aquatic animals. Male ducks, called drakes, often display vibrant plumage during the breeding season, while female ducks, known as hens, have more subdued coloring for camouflage. Ducks are not only charming to observe but also play important roles in the ecosystem, contributing to seed dispersal and nutrient cycling in wetland ecosystems.
ডাক, ডাক কাপড়
শূন্য, ভেঙে ফেলা
হেলানো, বাঁচানো
ডুবানো, ভাসানো
এড়ানো, মাথা ঘুরানো
ডুবিয়ে দেওয়া, ভেসে যাওয়া