অনুসন্ধান করুন
to check out
[phrase form: check]
চেক আউট করা, চেক আউট করা হবে
to leave a hotel after returning your room key and paying the bill
We 'll check out tomorrow morning before our flight.
Guests must check out of the hotel by 11 AM.
It 's customary to check out at the front desk when leaving.
অবলম্বন করা, নিশ্চিত করা
to closely examine to see if someone is suitable or something is true
Transitive: to check out sth
The detective will check out the alibi to verify its legitimacy.
I need to check out the new software before recommending it.
Please check these documents out and report any discrepancies.
চেক দিয়ে অর্থ তোলা, চেক দ্বারা টাকা তোলা
to take money out of one's bank account by writing a check
Transitive: to check out money
They checked the purchase out by writing a check.
We need to check out the monthly subscription fees from our account.
Can you help me check out the rent for this month?
যাচাই করা, পরীক্ষা করা
to be confirmed as true or acceptable after thorough examination
The company 's financial records checked out during the audit.
The evidence checks out, supporting the witness's statement.
His credentials checked out, and he got the job.
চেক আউট করা, ক্রয় সম্পন্ন করা
to finalize a purchase by totaling the cost, recording items, and accepting payment
Transitive: to check out purchased items
The cashier will help you check out your items at the counter.
The automated system checks out your items without human assistance.
We usually check out at the register after shopping.
ক্রমবর্ধমান বই ধার নেওয়া, লাইব্রেরি থেকে বই নিতে
to borrow books from the library
Transitive: to check out a book
She checked the latest mystery novel out from the library.
Can you check these science fiction books out for me when you visit the library?
Every Saturday, she checks out books for her reading club.

নিকটবর্তী শব্দ