a strap or rope attached to a bridle, used by a rider to control a horse
What is a "rein"?
A rein is a long strap attached to a horse's bridle that the rider holds to control the horse. It connects to the bit in the horse's mouth and allows the rider to guide the horse by pulling on it gently. The rein helps the rider communicate commands for turning, stopping, or changing speed. Reins can be used in pairs, with one for each hand, and are an essential tool for directing the horse while riding. They come in different materials, such as leather or synthetic fabric, depending on the type of riding and comfort.
any means of control
control and direct with or as if by reins
keep in check
to control or guide a horse using reins, which are straps or ropes attached to a bit in the horse's mouth
stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins